Dan Sullivan, U.S. Senator from Alaska | https://www.sullivan.senate.gov/about/bio
Dan Sullivan, U.S. Senator from Alaska | https://www.sullivan.senate.gov/about/bio
U.S. Senator Dan Sullivan of Alaska has expressed his support for the Senate's recent unanimous decision to extend the Secure Rural Schools and Self-Determination Program (SRS) until 2026. The legislation, which Sullivan cosponsored, aims to provide financial assistance to communities in Alaska that rely on this program due to reduced timber receipts from federal lands.
Senator Sullivan stated, "I have always been a strong supporter of Secure Rural Schools, which is a lifeline for many Alaskan communities surrounded by National Forests and federal lands—like Valdez, Cordova, and other communities in the Chugach, and the many communities in the Tongass in Southeast." He emphasized that reauthorizing the program was a priority since it had expired at the end of the last fiscal year. Sullivan also thanked his Senate colleagues for their unanimous support, noting that this decision provides "greater fiscal certainty for many local governments across our state."
The SRS program was initially enacted in 2000 to aid communities surrounded by public forestlands that are exempt from taxes. The funds are managed by the U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management and are allocated based on factors such as economic activity and timber harvest levels specific to each county. These payments are crucial for maintaining educational programs in rural counties with tax-exempt federal lands.
Additionally, similar legislation has been introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives.