How exactly are we going to accomplish that task, you ask? | Flickr
How exactly are we going to accomplish that task, you ask? | Flickr
DOT&PF is working on engaging the non-metropolitan areas of the state in local transportation planning (in Alaska we know non-metropolitan areas are well ... most of the state!). How exactly are we going to accomplish that task, you ask? Great question!
Our pilot Regional Planning Organization (RPO) program will help communities in Alaska have a more formal voice in the transportation planning process by opening a direct line of communication between DOT&PF and local communities. Pilot RPOs will form long range transportation plans, prioritize projects that are important to their area, and keep the public involved! The Copper Valley was the first area in Alaska to establish a pilot RPO with two more following close behind, one that encompasses the outlying Fairbanks areas and one in the Northwest Arctic Borough. Who’s next?!
Want to learn more? Check out our website! Regional Transportation Planning in Alaska#RegionalPlanningOrganizations #LocalInvolvement
Original source can be found here.